Indigenous hunters demanding recognition of their right to hunt (Image source: |
The ‘law’
side of things is not a bounded set of norms, rules, principles, values, or
whatever from which jural responses to distilled events can be drawn, but part
of a distinctive manner of imagining the real (Geertz 1983: 173).
Law is often perceived as part of the bureaucratic
rationality of modernity. It is assumed that, in developed societies, legislatures
draft laws, police officers enforce them, and courts ensure they are applied
fairly. The idea is that law begins and ends with the state.
Anthropologists, especially in the field
of legal pluralism, have long challenged these assumptions. They demonstrate
how social actors have never based their actions solely on state law, but
rather selectively to a range of authorities, including elders, religious
leaders, even animals or spiritual forces. In our globalizing world, people “imagine
the real” by reference to a diversity of international legal principles and
national laws, as well as local customs. This is especially visible on the frontlines,
when police and conservation officers have to deal with local people who
imagine the real in very different ways from state lawmakers.
Research in Taiwan illustrates the
pluralistic nature of law. Jeffrey Martin (2007) explores how policeman
negotiate between law (fa, 法), sentiment
(qing, 情), and reason (li, 理) as they are called upon to enforce, for
example, laws against restaurants expanding their serving areas well out onto
public sidewalks. They experience the quandary of whether law should manage
sentiment (“rule of law” – often associated with western modernity), or if
sentiment should manage law (“rule of man” – often associated with Chinese
tradition). As Martin says, “where law sees sentiment as partiality, sentiment
sees law as partiality” (2007: 685). In popular nationalism, Taiwanese are
often quite proud that their society is dominated by compassion (renqingwei,
人情味) rather than cold-hearted
enforcement of law.
Indigenous peoples are acutely aware of
potential conflict between customary law and state law, demanding formal state
recognition of legal pluralism as a recognition of inherent sovereignty. The
Rukai people of Taiwan have local law called Dualixia. Traditional legal
values include the sacred nature of nobles and chiefs, the payment of tribute
to them for land use, the necessity of hunting for maintaining social
relations, and the jungle as a spiritual place where ancestral spirits and
oracle birds also have their place in law. These customs have been challenged by
private property regimes, intensive agriculture, and state law. Portnoy and Awi
argue that many Taiwanese laws, especially the Forest Law, Wildlife
Conservation Law and Indigenous Peoples Basic Law, are based on western
ontologies including a nature-society dichotomy (2012: 44). They hope
recognition of indigenous legal institutions can promote indigenous autonomy
and ecological sustainability.
Legal pluralism and the existence of “informal”
non-state legal institutions often get overlooked in the promotion of “rule-of-law,”
(Janse 2013), not to mention in implementation of international laws regarding,
for example, environmental conservation or human rights. Yet, even democratic
Taiwan, the paradigmatic Chinese example of rule-of-law, is intimately shaped
by an interaction of pluralistic legal values. Indigenous people show that this
need not be a source of conflict or obstacle to development. Recognition of
legal pluralism can also provide inspiration, and may contribute to a better
world for all.
Note: The
current issue of the Erasmus Law Review is dedicated to legal pluralism, and is
available free on-line.
Clifford. 1983. Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology.
New York: Basic Books.
Janse, Ronald.
2013. “A Turn to Legal Pluralism in Rule-of-Law Promotion?” Erasmus Law
Review 6 (3/4): 181-190. [,
accessed March 16, 2014].
Jeffrey. 2007. “A Reasonable Balance of Law and Sentiment: Social Order in
Democratic Taiwan from the Policeman’s Point of View.” Law & Society Review 41 (3): 665-697.
Portnoy, Caleb and Awi
Mona. 2012. “Laws of the Jungle: Conflicts Between International-National
Environmental Law and Taromak Rukai-Environment Relations.” Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 10 (1):
Thanks for this illuminating post. I would also mention that a legal-pluralist sensibility informed Qing and Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan, underwriting systems of control that divided the island into "normally" administered zones and those governed under various forms of "indirect" and "native" administration. While it would be incorrect to say that such an administrative regime created "majorities" and "minorities" in Taiwan, it might be incorrect to overlook its importance. Par Cassel's recent book _Grounds of Judgment_ has a nice overview of Qing legal pluralism, to add the recent growth of literature on Southwest China under Qing rule. I will certainly use the references in this post to inform my continued study of the history of Japanese-Taiwan Indigenous Peoples relations under late Qing- and Japanese imperial rule. Again, thanks!! (Paul Barclay, who is somehow the "historyguy" because of the way he registered for something years ago)